

  Fire Danger  

Today's Fire Rating : Tue 10/22/24


Orange County Coastal

Rating: Moderate

Orange County Inland

Rating: Very High

Santa Ana Mountains

Rating: High

Ratings Definition
Low Fires do not start easily from sparks or embers, but may be started by concentrated heat sources such as lightning, torches or debris burning. Grass fires may burn freely, even after rain, but fires in brush and woods burn slowly or smolder.
Moderate Fires can start from most accidental causes. Fires in grass will burn briskly and spread rapidly on windy days. Brush and timber fires spread slowly to moderately fast. Piles of brush or debris may burn hot. Fires are relatively easy to control and are not likely to become serious.
High Fires start easily from most causes. Unattended brush and campfires are likely to escape. Fires spread rapidly and may burn intensely on slopes. Fires may become serious and difficult to control if not attacked successfully while small.
Very High Fires start easily from all causes and then spread rapidly and intensely. Fires burning in grass may create fire whirlwinds when they burn into brush or timber and embers will cause spot fires up to ½ mile or more ahead of the main fire. Evacuations may be necessary.
Extreme Fires start quickly, spread furiously, and burn intensely. All fires are potentially serious. Fire whirlwinds and embers causing spot fires ahead of the main fire are common, even from smaller fires. Attacking the flames directly is rarely possible and may be dangerous. Priorities will be protecting life and property. Evacuations will likely be necessary.

NOTE: This forecast is general in nature. Local weather and fuel conditions may increase fire danger in your specific area. It is your responsibility to monitor conditions and stop or avoid any operations that could start a fire. Always ensure you have a method of extinguishing a fire should it start (water supply, fire extinguisher, hand tools, etc.) immediately available. If a fire starts, notify the local fire agency immediately. DO NOT delay notification while attempting to extinguish the fire. If you have any additional questions, or would like more information on how Fire Danger Ratings are determined, please contact Orange County Fire Authority Pre-Fire Management/Fire Behavior Decision Support at (714) 573-6170.